About Polo
On a full sized grass field, each team has four people. In an enclosed arena usually played in winter, each team has three people.
The Teams: On a full sized grass field, each team has four people. In an enclosed arena usually played in winter, each team has three people.
The Ground: The ground is 300 yards long, 160 yards wide. The goal posts, positioned at each end, are 8 yards apart.
Duration of the Play: The full game is 8 chukkas, but often in club matches 4 or 6 chukkas are played. Each chukka is timed to last 7 min.
Handicaps: Each player is handicapped (on a 4-6 chukka basis) from -2 up to 10 goals (the top professional players). The aggregate handicap of the four players in a team is the team handicap. E.g. if all players have a handicap of 2 goals each, the team handicap is 8 goals and is referred to as an ‘8 goal team’.
Ponies: Ponies can play two chukkas in an afternoon with a rest of at least one chukka in between. There is no limit to the height of ponies.
Fouls: A player following the ball on its exact line has the Right of Way over all other players. Any other player who crosses the player on the right of way close enough to be dangerous commits a foul. Penalties vary according to the degree of danger and closeness of the cross.